Reach Trucks

Monday, January 1, 2007

Swing Reach Trucks

These reach trucks utilizes the aisles space and minimize the need of isle space to increase storage capacity. Comparing with the conventional reach trucks that requires maneuvering of position within the aisles, this swing reach trucks moves in a single direction and able to pick pallets from racks on both sides.

As shown in the illustration, the swing reach trucks are used especially for Very Narrow Aisles (VNA). Warehouses can shift racks closer to increase storage space provided if they are not static. In addition, productivity for processes like putting away and picking can be done effectively due to the minimal actions required for the retrieving of pallets.

Conventional trucks would have to maneuver to the right or left to load or unload pallet from racks, however, the highlighted reach trucks only require a single movement along the aisle without much turning.


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