Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Alright, we shall start off with alittle introduction straightaway!

Never expected to start a blog about an online subject..
but we've decided to choose on Materials Handling Equipment out of the three.
Yes it's MHE!!
Something like this:

A Reach-Truck in a Warehouse

Along the supply chain, no matter what... Materials Handling Equipment would be totally necessary.

Looking at the pictures which i have posted, you can see that the forklifts are actually part of a material handling equipment.

do u understand? yes? no?

Don't worry! We'll be blogging even more after this! haha!

Ahhh.. introduction is done! so let's start blogging properly about the research that we've had!

What's up with this blog?
It's all about DCM.. DCM & more DCM!

The Authors
In the first position..
In the second place..
In the third place..
Thiong Hwee
In the fourth place..
In the fifth place..

Logistics and Operations Management Students
Temasek Polytechnic


  • December 2006

  • January 2007

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